Our group runs
We've found 0 runs at location: 43 Old Wokingham Road, Crowthorne. RG45 6SS. Park on the road but please don't block driveways
Trail running in Swinley Forest, Berkshire RG12 7QW.
Based in the beautiful Swinley Forest in Berkshire, and we pride ourselves as being a friendly, relaxed and fun running club, without being overly structured or competitive. The emphasis is always to enjoy the freedom of running the forest trails rather than how fast we can run.
We meet on Sunday mornings and Friday evenings...
SUNDAY: We usually offer two runs at two levels, an intermediate run of 5K and a longer more advanced run of 10K. On the second Sunday of every month we increase the distance slightly to 8K and 15K as a step towards the longer distances. We are also intoducing the occasional location run away from Swinley forest on the 4th Sunday of the month.
FRIDAY: Our Friday evening run sets off at 18:00 and is normally 5-8 km. During the summer months we enjoy dusky evening runs, whilst the winter months (Oct-Mar) offer a completely different experience as you will be running in the hours of darkness and requires.
Club Membership:
You may run with the club on a one month trial, after which you can join us for £15 per year - Club Membership / Joining
1. You certify that you are physically fit to take part in Trail Running and are not aware of ANY medical condition that might endanger your safety.
2. You understand that trail running is not without risk and you therefore accept FULL responsibility for ANY injury, illness or accident however caused to yourself, or to any third party.
3. You understand that any photos taken during a run may be used on our Website, Facebook, Instagram and our Whats App groups to promote the club. If you do not wish your photo to be taken then please say so at the run briefing .
Want to become a run leader?
Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics
Find out more