Jess Durham

I started running with couch 2 5k in October 2018 and can well remember how tough I found it in the early days. I also remember how nerve-wracking I found coming to a group session and how immediately welcome I was made to feel. I'm committed to ensuring group running remains, fun, welcoming and inclusive and those who take part can achieve their goals. I started to run for health reasons (I was unfit and in my forties) but I soon realised what a huge sense of freedom and accomplishment running could give me. I have a theory, you have a bad day, go for a run, it'll make you feel better. You have a good day, you'll nail that run. You got something on your mind? Your run won't make all of your worries go away but somehow they seem more manageable. If you don't know what I mean, try it, what've you got to lose?

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics Find out more