Elaine Noakes

I started running 2 years ago to try and improve my fitness and mental health. I hadn't run since school and tried my best to avoid it then, but I started by doing the couch25k on my own and gradually fell in love with it. After completing the couch25k I carried on running 5k, regularly doing parkrun and then I found a local community running group through Run Together. I have found it much easier to run with a group of people rather than on my own. I am now part of a few groups and thought it would be good to start a running group at NWG to help encourage and motivate more people to start. I recently took the Leadership in Running Fitness qualification so that I could be a Run Leader, and now here we are. If I can do it, you can!

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics Find out more