Nina Hobart-West

Started running in 2014 for fitness and the social aspect. In October 2015 I took part in my first 10K competition. In October 2016 I ran my first Half Marathon. I joined Rachel to help start Run Redbourn! as a run leader in June 2016 and running is now a large part of my life for fitness and well being with the occasional event thrown in. I have now run two Marathons, London in 2018 in 4 hours 32 and went onto run Paris in 2019 in 3 hours 38. I think this demonstrates how being part of Run Redbourn! has helped me progress. I am proud to be able to coach and mentor others physically and act as Run Redbourn's Mental Health Champion and like to promote the #RunAndTalk programme

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Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics Find out more