Welcome to our running group

About our group


The Hull Sport team are starting a University wide couch to 5k running group this January open to students, staff and members of the public over the age of 16. The aim of the couch to 5k is designed for those who would like to gradually start building up their running ability that they eventually run 5k without stopping.


Hull Sport have dedicated run leaders who will produce fun routes to get you started., and offer support and guidance throughout.


So do you need that #MondayMotivation each week, or fancy starting something new for 2019? Well Hull Sport Couch to 5k will take place every Monday at 5.30pm from the Beacon for only £1 per person.


The first session (28th January) will be free  of charge so come along and see what you can achieve this year!


Why not start something new for 2019 and reserve a place with Hull Sport now

Contact Group

Meet our Team

Our locations


University Sports & Fitness Centre, Reception

University Sports & Fitness Centre, Reception