Paul Lewry

Name: Paul Lewry Running for how long : on and off for 14 years. How did you get into running : My son was training for the Army and I wanted to encourage him by getting fit and training with him. What's your best experience of running so far : It has to be my first ever New Forest Half Marathon in 2008 What type of music do you run too : It will always be heavy metal, mainly Metallica, in my opinion the best metal band in the world. The faster the music the better What do you get up to on a typical weekend : Parkrun and helping out at running events, watching rugby and spending time with friends What's the best thing about Verwood runners : The people, they always give you the support and encouragement no matter how slow you are Give one unusual fact about yourself I have a red belt in karate What makes you laugh : Various things but mainly silly jokes

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