Paul Hansell

Name: Paul Hansell

Running for how long: 2 years

How did you get into running: I used a c25k app at the end of 2016, after a year of volunteering for MV parkrun and being on the receiving end of far too much peer pressure!

What's your best experience of running so far:  I think it has to be the Casterbridge half-marathon (my first) in May 2018 - I was very chuffed and a tad emotional at the end.

What type of music do you run too: I do quite like to run with my headphones on. I used to suffer from Asthma quite badly - Somewhat better these days, but the sound of my own heavy breathing can give me issues. Spotify is my friend - I love to run to cheesy hits.

What do you get up to on a typical weekend: parkrun Saturday. Then chores, sailing in the summer and possibly a long run on Sunday.

What's the best thing about Verwood Runners: Definitely the social side - I'm not sure I actually like running that much, although I did somehow run 750 miles in 2018! My only complaint is that I now have very few non-running friends :-)

Give one unusual fact about yourself: I am related to royalty (Spanish, 15 century).

What makes you laugh: Me trying to pretend to be an adult on a daily basis :-)

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