31 May 2020

May news from ERC

May brought us another full month in lockdown but, as you’d expect from ERC, that didn’t stop it being a very full and active month.

The number of runners completing the bingo card we started last month steadily rose, and, as it had been such a fun challenge, we decided to introduce a second card. We opened up suggestions of squares to the group, and had some brilliant entries. Card 2 consists of activities from running in fancy dress to completing a run with negative splits. Another 25 fantastic challenges to keep us busy and motivated!

This month, we also supported East Surrey YMCA who were unable to stage their popular Fun Run due to the coronavirus pandemic. They turned it into a virtual challenge, so ERC members supported this by running either 1 or 5 miles, and encouraged family members to get involved too. We also donated to the charity, raising just over £400.

Last month, we supported The Children’s Trust with the 2.6 Challenge and have received a lovely thank you from them:

Thank you to Earlswood Running Club for taking part in The 2.6 Challenge  and supporting our Coronavirus Appeal at a time when we are facing the toughest challenge in the charity’s 36 year history.

We continue to have 55 children on site and we are proud that our school and nursery remain open. Our teaching and rehab teams have adapted rapidly so that they can continue to deliver education and therapies to the children. These children are not only coping with a life-changing brain injury or the ongoing impact of their disability but are also now adapting to prolonged separation from their families and huge changes to their daily routines.  Teddies with face masks have become the norm, helping children to reduce their anxieties with the changes around them.   

 Thank you again for your kindness in supporting The Children’s Trust at this worrying time.

We’ve also had some lovely feedback this month from our runners, about how ERC is helping during lockdown. I thought I’d feature a few here:

“ERC has helped enormously during lockdown with the virtual Facebook group. It’s lovely to see what other people are up to and I look forward to Kate’s updates and the weekly FIT challenges surprisingly enough! I’ve had so much fun with the bingo too, it has honestly given me such enjoyment whilst running solo.”

“Kate has inspired ERC runners to continue running during lockdown. It would have been so easy to stop. She has provided challenges to inspire us during this time and it is commendable that she has also challenged the club to help charities in these difficult times. It has been great to view other runners’ achievements while we haven’t been able to run together, but sometimes spotting each other from a distance.”

“I had seen the blue ERC running vests many times and thought maybe I should join, but I thought everyone looked fit and fast so I was a little scared. One day, I told myself. Then lockdown arrived and everyone seemed to be posting about their runs, and then I discovered that ERC had gone virtual. I now did not have the excuse that I didn’t have time. I have loved the encouragement of the ERC virtual group, I love spotting the blue vests when I am out, but most of all it has given me the motivation to get up and go for a run. I have now done 23 runs since lockdown. Thanks ERC.”

“Like a lot of us, I joined ERC as I wanted to run with people socially and found that it made it easier to get out for runs when I knew I was running with the group. I really miss the group sessions, but have found it great to “see” everyone out running on the ERC Virtual Facebook group and Strava (and find some new routes!) The bingo cards have definitely helped me to get out there as well. There have been times when I’ve been desperate to go for a run and other times when I have lacked motivation, but I agree with Kate when she says “you never regret going for a run once you’ve gone!”

It’s been heartening to read such lovely messages – most people joined ERC because they wanted to run in a group and found it hard by themselves. The fact that they have had to motivate themselves to do it alone is inspirational, and I am so happy that I have been able to find some ways to keep them going. I will do my best to keep challenging and motivating everyone until we can run together again.

Until then, stay safe,

Kate xx

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