Our group runs

We've found 1 run at location: Grassy verge on Alderminster Road near Charterhouse Drive Pond

Before signing up for any exercise session, please consider if the session meets your needs and your level of fitness. If you are not sure, please email me (scottercoach@gmail.com).

Everyone, but particularly those over 65 years of age or with a pre-existing medical condition/taking medication regularly must complete a brief exercise readiness questionnaire downloadable using this blue button  (PAR-Q) which assesses fitness and suitability for exercise.  You may also wish to check with your medical practitioner that the exercise session is suitable for you. This is important also for those with pre-existign injuries even if they have resolved. 

The PAR-Q should be completed and returned at least 48 hours before your first session and is required for anyone coming to an indoor session as it also deals with Covid security. 

For any exercise session, please wear suitable clothing . It should allow you to move easily and be suitable for the exercise and the environment. Please wear layers that canbe added or removed as necessary.

  • Improve Your Running

    Grassy verge on Alderminster Road near Charterhouse Drive Pond

    Cost: £6.00



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