Our group runs
We've found 0 runs at location: Farsley Recreation Park
Play Out offers intelligent customised sessions with the view to support a day-to-day active lifestyle. If you are an individual or a business who would like to consider bespoke support, please do get in touch; a long career in project delivery, IT consultancy as well as an active creative festival organiser all provides a unique skillset combination.
Other regular social run/walk activities are constantly occurring, simply not as official events. So please keep an eye our social media outlets and feel free to contact if you may like to join.
Also, a big wave over to Farsley Flyers which you should definitely consider joining!
PLEASE EMAIL playout@wozzy.co.uk if you require customised sessions e.g. corporate couch-to-5k/10k, maybe as an entry to a race.
Want to become a run leader?
Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics
Find out more