What they say
Here are some of the comments made by our beginner graduates:
“It was fantastic, I never ever thought in a million years that I could have achieved a 5km. Very happy, couldn’t have done it without the club."
"The best thing I’ve done! I am so looking forward to running more and setting a new target, maybe even a 10km.”
“I enjoyed the park run this morning – the encouragement from the club has been great! Would definitely like to join the club & keep it up.”
"I’ve just finished the Beginners Course and wanted to update on something lovely…I had an asthma review yesterday and my nurse and I were very surprised to discover that my peak flow had risen to nearly 400, which is fantastic for me. I haven’t lost weight and haven’t changed any medication so we can only put it down to the running! Before I started the course it felt like the asthma was definitely winning... so thanks everyone – am very pleased and taking a really big breath right now!!!!"