Welcome to Castle Striders (a Walk and Jog Derbyshire Group)
About our group
Hello everyone and welcome to the group. I am the run leader for castle Striders. 2015 saw the birth of my youngest son Sebastian and a few months after that the dawning realisation (and a gentle reminder from a significant other)that a sedentary and overweight “Dave” was going to have to keep up with him as he got older.
I started taking my bike out for 3 miles at a time and then my wife started park run on the next New Year’s Day and I said “you won’t get me running”. April that year I ran my first Parkrun and now have completed more than 150 events along with many others. Several years on and running is now firmly a part of mine and my families life and is my favourite pastime and form of transport .
I am 3 stone lighter and feel so much fitter and healthier. My aim is to show others how walking, jogging and running can be enjoyable and let them see and feel the benefits of getting active as I have done .
Meet our Team
Beth Till Group Leader, Run Leader
Chris Hudson Group Leader, Run Leader
David Senior Run Leader, Group Leader
Jamie Snarski Run Leader
Nicki Senior Run Leader, Group Leader
Sarah Hutchinson Run Leader, Group Leader
Scott Beighton Run Leader, Group Leader, Mental Health Champion