Stuart Holloway

Having danced for over 20 years I've always been reasonably active but never managed to run more than a few hundred metres without ending up a wreck! In recent years I've tried to start running a few times, but again, shin splints or colds stopped me in my tracks. 2020 brought a global lockdown and a push for many to stay active in other ways as classes, gyms and other activities ground to a halt. I walked initially, longer and longer distances, just an escape from the same four walls. However, chatting to an old friend Wayne led me to just give a group a try. A little nervous of these elite runners leaving me for dust, or even just the doubt of actually running for 5km. My first night though was on the 8th June 2020 and I haven't looked back. Such a supportive group, keen to encourage and support you in your progress and having tried different runs with different leaders I've enjoyed becoming part of the family.

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics Find out more