Our group runs

We've found 0 runs at location: Kettlebrook Lodge

We are gradually returning to club activity and using the RunTogether system for booking members onto the runs we can offer. Runs can be accessed via the  KADS RunTogether page, and should provide details of who is leading, where to meet and the sort of distance to expect. They are available to club members only but anyone in the club is free to join, whatever your pace, the Run Leader will ensure the group regularly re-groups. 

If after attending  a session, you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID,  you MUST complete the form here and contact those you have been in contact with. 

Where groups are greater than 5 runners (plus 1 leader), a COVID Secure environment has been established. If you would like to know more about this, contact one of the leaders, or have a look at the EA guidance. 

For both COVID Secure and non-COVID Secure runs, all runners are expected to adhere to the government guidelines and the EA guidance - stay 2m apart!! Don't come along if you have symptoms etc. 

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics

Find out more