Michelle Holmes

Always last to be picked for a PE team, I diligently avoided all forms of sport and led a totally sedentary lifestyle until my mid forties. When I realised I was one BMI point off 'obese' I determined to lose weight. I started taking long walks before completing the NHS Couch 2 5K programme. I had to repeat each week three times until I achieved it!
I now run around 15-20k a week, mostly off-road in the countryside of North Hampshire. Although I have made many schoolgirl errors along the way, my life has been utterly transformed by running.
As a Run Together leader my aim is to support anyone who wants to run whether it be for relaxation, friendship, for fitness goals or personal challenge. Come and share a 'runner's high' with me!

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics Find out more