Our group runs

We've found 1 run at location: In Holy Spirit Church Hall, Clittaford Road, Southway

Once we get started we will aim to initially have a beginners programme for those that want to start to learn how to run in a safe and efficient way. Caroline and I have a great deal of experience in this field and will ensure your progress is relevent for whatever ability you have.

We will have sessions for strength and conditioning related to running. These sessions will be invaluable ensuring your running will improve and maximise injury avoidance. 

There will also be sessions for mixed abilities to ensure we don't fragment the group. Our aim will be to help runners develop at their own pace, however it is going to really important to us the the group becomes more of a family enabling us to support and help each other, on a journey of discovery and reward.

  • Circuit Training

    In Holy Spirit Church Hall, Clittaford Road, Southway

    Cost: £2.00



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