Jo Richards

Hi I'm Jo, I joined Power Runs Cornwall in January 2022. This was to complete the Run 30 course. I was anxious about joining as PE at school was not my favourite subject to say the least! Straight away the group put me at ease. Unfortunately I was plagued with injuries but still wanted to be part of the group. I read a lot about the run/walk running method called Jeffing, I was encouraged and supported to Jeff at the sessions. As a group we then introduced Jeffing as an alternative to continuous running. 2 years later, I am Jeffing at least twice a week, I'm free from injuries, my mental health has improved and most importantly I have made new friends for life. Fast forward to February 2024, I and others from our group have travelled to London to run a 10k for cancer research, something I never, ever thought I would do! I really enjoy being a run leader and get so much from seeing others enjoying jeffing and achieving their goals. My new name is Jeffing Jo.

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics Find out more