Hannah Chandler

Hi My name is Hannah, I started running about 10 years ago now, which I cannot believe. I used to see people out running and thought they were mad! until I woke up one morning and looked in the mirror and thought oh my god where has my waist gone !! I have to do something about this so I started walking as well as healthy eating , after a while I was out one morning and walking fast to the point I was jogging !! So I went home and ordered myself my first pair of running shoes everyone was so shocked that I was now out jogging/running. I now love it so much I have done a few half marathons and lots of charity runs /walks. Joining the Power Runs Cornwall group has re enforced my love for running as it is so friendly with lots of support. I hope to pass on my experience and also the importance of being active not only for controlling your weight but for your mental wellbeing! My main reason for going out now whether its for a walk or a run is to clear my head and listen and connect with nature .

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