08 May 2024

Spring Roundup

Spring 2024 Roundup and News 

Hooray for the Spring, the better weather, the lighter evenings.  And with the lighter evenings some old faces from last year, some catch up conversations and much needed variety in our runs and walks again. We have so much to talk about and look forward to so let's crack on shall we? 

Firstly, we are just 5 months into the year and we have already seen a new bunch of C25k runners graduate with a good few still running with us and becoming regular faces of the group. We’ve also seen some incredible personal bests flying out of recent events and parkruns, I feel like there are great things ahead this year.  

We are so proud of our runners out there doing their thing and making their mark but are equally proud of the quiet runners in the background, showing up at sessions when they can and putting the mileage in to better themselves. We are ever mindful that people are going through things we know nothing about and are running to support their own physical and mental health – we are proud of you too and you will always be welcome.  

The last 5 months have also brought lots of new faces to the group, new faces running and new faces walking. We do very little marketing other than using social media so it’s great to see the local community coming along to see what we can offer. With the walking group growing I am confident that we really are now catering to anyone who wants to exercise in a safe and friendly group, regardless of their reason or circumstances.  


Thank you 

Thank you to those who have contributed a voluntary donation into our run group bank account. In order for the group to continue to thrive and meet the England Athletic health and safety criteria we are dependent on donations and our own applications for funding and grants. If you would like to contribute our bank details are at the bottom of this roundup. Accounts are declared at every development meeting for transparency, but donations remain anonymous and are currently only visible to me, Emily. When our official charity bank account opens you will be notified. Thank you again. 

I would also like to extend a thank you to our regular volunteers, Hannah, Carolyn, Laura, Kerry, Ginny, Sally, Tony and Theresa who lead and support our runs and walks. A thank you also goes out to the other regular members who step in to be temporary run helpers when required. I am sure I can speak for everyone when I say that all of these contributions in both time and commitment are very much appreciated.  


Run roundups 

Monday Speedplay – managing run leaders Emily and Carolyn 

Speedplay is back to its regular slot on a Monday night again alternating between the UKC Crab and Winkle route and the Pilgrims Way route over in South Canterbury.   This session is suitable for everyone regardless of your speed or level of fitness and is just a bit of fun same as our other sessions. First few speedplay nights have gone down a storm so get booking! If you have any questions join #rtc-speedplay on slack. 

Tuesday run night – managing run leaders Carolyn and Hannah 

This social run for the speedier runners amongst us has been as popular as ever offering a longer distance but still sticking to the social philosophy.  This session is not suited to beginners due to the increased pace and distance but if you have any questions join #rtc-tuesday-runners on slack. 

Thursdays social run night – managing run leaders Emily, Hannah and Laura 

Now the summer season is upon us we are alternating run locations between the City and Blean woods again.  Our first few runs at Blean have been wet and muddy, but everyone has embraced it and it's so good to be back out in the woods again! Bring on those summer evenings of dappled sunlight and the mosquito spray.  If you have any questions join #rtc-thursday-run-night on slack.   

Wanderers Walking Group  roundup by Kerry – managing leaders Kerry and Emily 

Our Wanderers walks kicked off at the end of April with 12 Wanderers joining the group for a walk in Preston which ended with tea, coffee, breakfast and cake! Thank you to everyone who joined the walk - leg stretching, good company, chatting and the outdoors was much needed! If you haven't seen it already, head over to our social media to see our Wanderers reel and see what we got up to! 

We have walks scheduled for the last Sunday of each month over the summer, see the app or website to book. Join the #rtc-wanderers slack channel for more details.  

Trailblazers – managing leader Hannah  

Our summer series of trailblazer runs started on a high, quite literally, on the white cliffs of Dover last month. We couldn't have had a nicer morning for it, bright sunshine and beautiful views all the way. We have a number of runs of varying distances between 6 and 10 miles planned over the summer so head over to the website or the app to check out the details. The #rtc-trailblazers slack channel will answer all your questions so join to find out more.  

Parkrun roundup by Tony 

Since our last update we have undertaken three parkrun away days. We returned to a muddy Canterbury in February, a windy Pegwell Bay in March and a warm and sunny Walmer and Deal in April.  

As the weather gets better (hopefully) we have visits to Folkestone, Dover, Ashford and Margate all planned as well as more local trips to Whitstable and a return to our home base at Canterbury. 

Did you know that parkrun records your runs and has a number of milestones that you can progress through, the first being 25 runs, then 50, then 100?  A few of our members have achieved these milestones since February and we'd like to recognise them so big congratulations to Sally and Carolyn who have both hit 25 runs!  Watch this space as we have some runners close to reaching their next milestones very soon, Ginny is on 46, Steve is on 191, Ash on 45 and Kerry on 22. 

If you are interested in joining a parkrun and would like to know more join the #rtc-parkrunners. 


Mental Health Champions update from Kerry and Ginny 

Mental Health Awareness Week, Gulbenkian Theatre, Thursday 16th May, 6.15pm and afterwards in the cafe for coffee.  

We have Mental Health Awareness week in May and we will be acknowledging this with a special event on Thursday 16th May starting at The Gulbenkian.  This event will be for both runners and walkers and will be in place of our regular Thursday run night. 

The theme this year is movement and how this affects our mental health. We would like to use this event as a platform to talk and share about why movement, whether that is walking, running or anything else, helps our mental health. We will be joined for our run by Off The Street On Our Feet who will be talking with us about their work and journeys. 

We would love to share more social media posts around this time and recently sent out an email inviting you to get involved.  This information is also on Slack. 

Our Mental health Champions and RtC team hold a list of support services in our area, please contact us if you need support.  You can also contact NHS 111 and select option 2 for Mental health support. 


Socials events  

Summer evening social. Old City Bar, Friday 21st June, 7pm   

Join us for an evening of drinks where running shoes are not invited. We will meet in the Old City Bar at 7pm for an hour or so before heading into town. All welcome whether you stay for one drink or the whole evening.  

Summer beach social. Date to be confirmed. 

If you haven’t already joined add the #rtc-social-events channel on slack to keep up with what’s coming up.  


Upcoming Running/Walking Events 

Walking event date for your diary: Sunday 21st July.  

RtC Wanderers are hoping to attend a local walking event, details to follow. Join #rtc-wanderers slack channel for details as they become available. 


Wingham Run 5k/10k, Sunday 8th September 2024 

A number of us have entered this event in the past and really enjoyed it. We are planning to make this event our big RtC group event this year and have as many of us enter as possible. This is a great event to use as a springboard into entering a fun and enjoyable event. 

The event organisers tell us... 

‘This is a particularly scenic route around the beautiful east Kent countryside. Starting out at the Recreation Ground in Wingham the route follows quiet country roads taking in some of the prettiest villages in Kent. This officially measured course is undulating and has in the past produced some quick times, so PBs really are possible! 

This event has such a great atmosphere with the Event Village next to the start/finish. It’s one to stay and enjoy and to bring the family along! 

There are prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd male and female in the 10k and 5k, 1st male and female VET40, 50 and 60 in the 10k. 

Book at: The Wingham Run (sportingeventsuk.com) 


Developers group 

The next developers group meeting is on Wednesday 15th May, 7pm, at the Curzon Cinema, Riverside.  All welcome who would like to be involved in the development of our group. 


RunTogether Canterbury Kit 

Our online kit shop can be found at RunTogether Canterbury – localprintpros.  

Please do double check the sizing for every item you are thinking of buying as large in ladies is not the same as large in unisex. Please make sure you read the returns policy before ordering.   

A number of us have bought kit so we’re happy to recommend if you aren’t sure about kit/sizing etc. 

Kit customisation – I am more than happy for you to add your name. Either contact the company at the time of ordering or take your already delivered item into a local print firm in Canterbury (I recommend Print Matters) to get it printed with your name, nickname, initials of whatever else you fancy. 


Runner information 

Please do refresh yourself with the Runners information page on the website. 



Google reviews please! 

If you haven’t already, please review the group on google.  It really helps others to get a better picture about what our group is about and whether it would suit them, so your opinions are valid and helpful.  Thank you in advance! 



As always if you want to contact me, please do, via slack, WhatsApp or give me a call 😊 

Emily 07770 479589 


Donate to our Running Group 

We welcome any voluntary donations towards our running group.  Donations contribute towards the training of run leaders to keep our running group operational and safe. As the group grows so does requirement for more leaders. 

RunTogether Canterbury (Emily Mickleburgh T/A) 

Sort code 60-83-71 

Account number a/c 15109551 



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