Debbie Ingle

I work for Leeds City Council as an "Environmental Action Officer" tackling and investigating certain environmental crimes. You certainly see some sights, and meet some characters - and that's before a Tuesday night! I joined the Lakers family about 3 years ago. I'd done the Couch to 5k app on my own, and I can honestly say Lakers have changed my life for the better. I have met some lovely, genuine people who I'm privileged to call my friends. The support and encouragement they give to everyone is amazing. As a run leader I love watching people blossom and grow in confidence with their own running abilities, I especially love the underdogs who go on to achieve more than they ever thought possible. These people are my inspiration. My best and ultimate running experience was completing the London marathon 2017 in memory of my sister. I raised over £6000 for St Gemma's Hospice in Leeds and the memories will stay with me forever. My worse running experience was probably the East Hull 20 mile race, I was wearing a thong 3 sizes too small (don't ask) and chaffed in places I never thought possible. I now make a point of applying Vaseline and wearing the appropriate sized clothing on all running adventures.

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