Welcome to Wellington Pacers

Next run: Thursday 01 August 2024

About our group

Welcome to our social running group, dedicated to the Wellington Place business community in Leeds.  Lunchtime runs take place every Thursday : read more here

All abilities welcome - priorities are for social opporunities and location exploration.  Beginners (run/walk) are supported by a tail leader.  Advanced runners have the opportunity to loop or free-time in parks plus get to discover new training locations.

To join the Wellington Pacers running club, you must work at a Wellington Place business.  Please use your work email address when registering on Run Together to aid with validation.  To maintain a safe leader-to-runner ratio and to support with leader planning, please ensure your place by booking on each run (though you can be added by a leader at the session).

To join the Strava club or Facebook group, please ensure you have registered (above) as name will be checked against Run Together (i.e. booked on any of our runs).

For more highlights please see social media #WellingtonPacers.


Please could you consider whether you are happy for your photo to be used by Wellington Place / Running Seeds to encourage and promote this social runing club.

Consent form: https://forms.gle/74ErsWpapjiEoqQh8

We look forward to seeing you on the weekly runs!

Contact Group

Meet our Team

Our locations


Wellington Central