Heathley Clarke
Heathley is a UK Athletics licensed Endurance Event Group Coach, and Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF), since 2017. He majors in off-road running on the trail and public bridleway network around the Welwyn area of Hertfordshire - all year round, daytime and night time runs (with headtorch). An internationally-qualified Nordic Cross-country Skiing Teacher (ISIA), in 2004 Heathley pioneered the teaching of the Nordic Fitness Sports concept (combining Cross-country Skiing, Rollerskiing, Nordic Walking/Running, Nordic Inline Skating) - which are acknowledged to be the most demanding and aerobic exercises - in the UK. Heathley is passionate about sharing his coaching and running skills to anyone who enjoys, or would like to experience, running off-road. Please also see his Nordic Fitness website - www.nordic-fitness.co.uk - for details of Nordic Fitness Sports instruction on a group or private basis.
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