Q: What do you mean by 'beginner runner'? 

Join us if you are:

  • new to running and want to increase your skills and confidence
  • returning to fitness from injury
  • a woman returning to fitness after having children
  • running or jogging for weight loss
  • wanting some company and motivation to get fit by joining a running group 

You can run, jog or walk, whatever is comfortable for you.

Q: What should i wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable to run in but ensure you can move around safely and freely with whatever you choose to wear. Wear comfortable trainers. Keep in mind the weather and dress accordingly. Dont forget a hat and sunscreen in the summer. 

Q. Are the run sessions open for all women?

Yes everyone is welcome 

Q: What shoud i bring?

Water, a snack and if you're asthmatic; your blue (reliever) inhaler

Q: What do the sessions involve? How far do you run?

Each week will vary with specific activities to build fitness. Sessions focus on learning within a fun, supportive and encouraging environment, and you will be pushed to run at the optimum pace for you.  

Q: Is there somewhere safe to leave my belongings ?

No, unfortunately there isn’t

Q: Is there anything else i should know?

Yes, rememeber to have lots of fun!