Club standards

1/ The club should have no prejudices, this is to include gender, colour, age, race, background and sexual orientation.

2/ Membership of the club is free, as to encourage membership to all with no financial barriers. In order to become a member the individual has to actively take part in  Exmouth Running club runs/events).

3/ Run leaders are to be qualified through English Athletics and hold a full DBS as well as completing a safeguarding course. Run leaders can be assisted by other members who have experience in running. (group helpers)

4/ The club shall include a warm up and cool down, ensuring best practice in accordance with English Athletics, before and after each session with ongoing risk assesments..

5/ The club promotes a culture of encouragement, positivity and belief in oneself whatever their goal.

6/ All money raised or donated to the club will go back into the club to improve the club or to benefit the community in a positive way.

7/ If the club were to gain financially by any sponsorship deal then the sponsor has to represent similar values to the club.

8/ A yearly financial report shall be made available to any member of the club requesting it.

9/ Members of the club are to take full responsibility for their own actions.

10/ Club colours will consist of: First and main colour electric orange top with ERC logo and black shorts, the second alternative colour being: Black top with ERC logo and black shorts.

11/ The running of the club is made up with a  team  with the group leader leading the club.

In summary the club expects members to behave to a standard which represents the club in line with the clubs ethics and policies, everyone who belongs to the club are free to have an input as Exmouth Running Club is a club for the community set up to help the community in a fun and positive way. Believe and achieve.