joining us

It's super easy to become a member of @jersey.runclub!

All you need to do is fill in the new member form and either email a scan of your completed copy back to us or bring it along with you to your first session.

You can either email us to request a copy of the form, or download a copy from the Documents tab on this website. 

There are no joining fees to pay and our sessions are free: all we ask is that you volunteer at two local run events a year in return and buy a race vest or tee (£12). 

We are open to all runners aged 18 and over. We do, however, recommend that you are able to run at least 5km to get the most from our sessions.

There are no time requirements: some of our members can run 5km in under 18 minutes, some of us come in closer to 35 minutes - it really doesn't matter as we can scale the session to suit your ability. 

Submitting your form

Please note that we can only accept hard copy, PDF or Word versions of the completed form. Photos of the completed form will not be accepted. 

Once we have your signed form, you will become a team member and join the mailing list. You will then receive invitations to, and be able to attend, our training sessions. 

 We cannot add you to the mailing list and you cannot take part in any sessions until we have your completed form.