Our group runs

We've found 0 runs at location: Newman Collard Car Park

We're making the most of Bordon's wide open spaces with runs largely in Bordon and Hogmoor Inclosures. We aslso explore further along the Shipwright's Way, around the ranges, towards Oakhanger and of course, Alice Holt.

We offer local weekly runs and courses to try to make it easy for you to fit running into your life! Whether it's daytime after-school drop-offs, evening after work or Sunday Long Runs, you'll hopefully find one or two that fit with your week.

We also target some runs by ability levels, which have become known as:

Chatty: you're a regular runner (usually 6 months or more) and can run for 30 or 40 minutes at a steady pace, whilst also "chatting"! Our runs at this level will still sometimes challenge you, but stick with, as that is how you'll improve!

Gentle: this is the group run to enjoy if you've only just completed a Couch to 5K or you're a returning runner after recovering from an injury or an absence from running.

Trail Runs: Sunday is Long Run day and depending on the time of year, these will be targetting a particular distance. We usually have mixed ability groups which will often be split into different speeds with more than one Run Leader involved. 

Book as many as you like at one time. If you let the Run Leader know at least an hour before run time that you need to cancel (your Run Leaders have baby-sitters and lives to juggle too!) then we'll refund your run fee.


Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics

Find out more