Next run: Friday 06 December 2024

About our group

Up the Tempo is a popular Norwich community running group. We have been offering successful couch to 5k classes for several years and all our activities are FREE. 

We welcome all ages, all abilities and any gender. Our aim is to turn non-runners into runners, and get them started on their running journey.

Eaton Park is an ideal location. It has measured 5k and one mile routes on level tarmac paths, most of them tree-lined, and is home to parkrun and junior parkrun. At the heart of the park are a super café and public loos. We meet up, and finish our runs beside the bandstand, where historic pavilions offer shelter from wind, rain and sun for post-run stretches. 

We believe nearly everyone has it in them to be a runner. The benefits are many – increased strength and stamina, and improved mental health and wellbeing. Hearts, lungs and muscles are strengthened. You will probably lose weight, and you will strengthen bones – which is  important as we get older.  

Up the Tempo is part of the Run Together family. All sessions are free.


We would like to thank our previous funders which include:

 a Government grant from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Magic Little Grants,

One Stop Carriers For Causes,

Arnold Clark.

Aviva Community Fund




Contact Group

Meet our Team

Our locations


Eaton Park Band Stand

Playing Field

Outside school gates

Henderson Cinder Track