Welcome to WREC-ers group

Next run: Monday 08 July 2024

About our group

WREC-ers is a friendly and supportive running group for busy ladies who like to exercise with like minded people.

The group has been set up by Julia Coles and Tina Willoughby who are both qualified Leaders in Running Fitness. (LiRF)

The name WREC-ers came about because within the group we aim to Walk, Run and Eat Cake. "Walk, Run, Eat Caker-ers" is a bit of a mouthful when you are already munching on cake so we shortened the name to WREC-ers!

Tina and I have both been involved in running for several years and have valued the support that we have been able to get from running with others rather than trying to run alone.

Ladies at  WREC-ers will range from total newbies working towards their first 5K since schooldays to those who enjoy long distance challenges such as Marathons and Ultra Marathons. In addition there are those who have overcome injuries as well as those who are returning to running following illness or surgery.  

At WREC-ers we value all members regardless of ability-a 15 minute mile is the same distance as a 10 minute mile (and you have more time to talk whilst doing the 15 minute mile!)

Sessions include a warm up and cool down as well as a run session (or a skills session, working on technique,stamina and speed). On the first Monday of every month the sessions also include cake!!

Run sessions are based upon the tried and tested method of Run/Walk/Run intervals. We usually do intervals of 30 secs run/30 secs brisk walk but we can vary the sessions depending upon the fitness and stamina of those who are partiicpating in the session. In addition we have a trained LiRF who loves to just run(without any walk breaks).  Therefore those in the group who prefer to do straight running have the option to do so whilst also being part of a supportive, friendly, and occasionally crazy group of ladies, and most importantly, they can still eat cake!

Meet our Team

Our locations


Swimming Pool Car Park, London Road, Kettering