Our group runs

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Each run comprises a Warm Up, Main Session and a Cool Down. The Main Session could use hills to build up speed work, Indian File and Fartlek efforts to vary pace, and intervals to make sessions competitive.

Tuesday sessions are for Beginners and Improvers. We welcome our runners at the start, explain todays run, check for injuries and do the Warm Up. Most of the run is Aerobic in nature (about 65% effort). Fun sessions include Out and Backs, Hills, Chase Sprints, Cross Country runs, lamposts, Meet and Greets.

Our Thursday runs are for Improvers. Distance covered is 5-6 miles and we meet either in the Park or at two other locations in the Borough. They are sociable Group Runs aimed at maintaining an Endurance Base so that a 10K could be attempted.

If training for a 10K event we would adhere to a training plan which would include at least 2 5K's to check progress and a 10K training run prior to the event itself. If training for a Half Marathon we would do regular 5k's, a timed mile track session to estimate finish times and a 10 mile race before the event. Our beginners should be easily able to complete a 5K run after 10 weeks training.






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