Frequently Asked Questions

What will we do in the session?

A typical session will start with a gentle warm-up, to get both your body and mind prepared.  We may do some activities to get your core and lower body primed (something you might not normally do if you were heading out for a run by yourself).  Once we complete the objectives of the session, we will always finish with a cool-down.   

How much does it cost and what is included?

Sessions cost from as little as £1 to cover some administrative costs and the time it takes to plan, manage and organise each session. The aim isn’t to raise money but to get people out and running whilst in the safety of a run leader. The benefits you get outweigh the costs: 

  • Routes and distances are pre-planned so you can just turn up. knowing you will hit your objectives.
  • In-person support.
  • Help with technique and mental mindset.
  • Fun, friendly and fully inclusive of all - with a non-competitive approach. 
  • Accountability and motivation.
  • Follow the correct way to warm up and cool down to avoid injuries.
  • Club discounts


Why should I book in advance?

When you register, you input your medical conditions and next of kin details. When you book on a session, this information is easily (and securely) accessible to the Run Leader. So, god forbid, anything should happen to you during the session, we have this info to hand  should it be required.

What if I can't make a session or need to cancel?

Before you commit, do check with your pysician for any contraindications which might prevent you from running.  

Please be aware that there will be no refunds if you cannot attend because it's not possible to replace your space once the coaching plan has begun.  If a session is cancelled by the run leader, (due to emergencies or following safety assessment) then every attempt will be made to offer the group an alternative session to attend.  Weekly updates and check ins will help keep you on track should you miss any sessions.   

How long is the session?

It's around 35-45 minutes, which include a warm up and cool down. We all start and finish together so no one is left behind. 

Who is this open to?

Fully inclusive and open to anyone aged 12+.  

Where type or surface will we be running on? 

We will be running on footpaths and across roads, so please wear bright or visible clothing for your own safety. 

What should I wear?

The beauty of running is that you don’t need large amounts of expensive kit to take part so please wear anything (sensible) that you are comfortable in. However it's worth noting that you'll be much more comfortable by choosing to wear breathable clothes/base layers based on the weather.


It might sound very abvious however wearing suitable running shoes based on your gait and needs is probably the most important to get started. You may wish to visit a running specialst retailer such as Birmingham Runner who can check your gait and ensure you have the right shoes for you, as this can really help avoid injuries.  


Look for items that are breathable with moisture wicking properties. Layer up when it's cold. Use a packable rain jacket if you need to. Avoid cotton or heavy items which will become heavy, hot and could cuase chafing.

What are your qualifications?

I am an England Athletics licenced run leader (Leader in Running Fitness). I also hold an enhanced DBS check certificate and am a qualified First Aider.