Laura Young

Hi, I'm Laura! I started running with RunTogether Canterbury in summer of 2022 whilst doing their Couch to 5k group. I knew I needed to move my body when it came to writing my MA dissertation and I originally was looking for something like Zumba or an easy dance class. However, these classes you had to pay for and that wasn't in my budget, so this free running group was my choice. I am so grateful for this being the case as I have made so many good friends and memories through this group. My confidence has only grown during this time and whilst I have always been a 'hype girl', I have loved cheering on myself and others on our runs. I enjoy doing our travelling park runs and the occasional sea dip after! Running has really helped my mental health; I feel able to talk about worries or stresses and feel supported. I am a very slow plodder and am always happy to take it slow and have a little break. I would never have said "I'm a runner" but here I am and am very proud of what I have accomplished along the way. It really is a social group and everyone is pretty awesome!

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