Carolyn Jeffery

Hello, I'm Carolyn I am no natural runner but I'm enthusiastic! I turned to running in lockdown to help my sanity and fitness. Emily and the RunTogether friends keep me talking, running and motivated. I have always had a lot of energy that needs burning off. I have belonged to many clubs and groups but have struggled to sustain them for one reason or another. I went for my first ever solo run in 2017 and I think I went on a run 3 more times that year. Fast forward to a global pandemic and I was stuck inside, I needed to run up to 3 times a week alongside home workouts, dancing and singing around the house and yoga. For me, movement is medicine and I have had the most consistent running routine since joining our RunTogether group and my mental health has never been better. In May 22, I even started the Run Leader training, so now I am able to support the group so we can help more people to maintain their running routines and motivation.

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics Find out more