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About this run

Spring into Spring This course is designed for complete beginners and by that the clue is in the title COUCH. So many people believe they are too slow, too old, too big or just not exercised for years, if this is what's stopping you from joining then throw off those fears and believe in the power of Team Caterpillar and our unique success. We will not only help you achieve your C25K in a friendly and supportive environment, we will also take you to the next level if that's your goal. We don't just have you following a prescriptive plan, each week we coach you something new and set you homework to put the coaching into practice. If you can walk you can run we will teach you everything you need to know.

Run details

  1. Thursday
  2. 06:30PM
  3. 0-5K
  4. Unisex
  5. Get Me Started

Where we meet

Richmond Station

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