Our group runs

We've found 0 runs at location: Beans, Tingley - WF3 1AE

We regularly run on a Wednesday, other days are as and when we have Run Leader availability.  There is no pressure to do all the sessions, or even attend each week, you can pick and choose to suit you.

The Tingley sessions are generally from The British Oak, however we sometimes start from Ardsley Reservoir, or near Country Baskets to add variety to the routes.  

It's always best to book to ensure you know the meeting point as on booking we will provide the relevant postcode (and you can have a check on the app or website before you set off so you know you're in the right place!).

We may venture somewhere different too such as Drighlington or Morley, we love to mix it up!

During our usual sessions you can expect a warm up to start and cool down to finish.  In between there's a variety of things we do!  Each session is different, with different leaders with different favourite routes there's lots of choice.  Sometimes we do just go for a run (even a #runandtalk) but in the main the session will be something you're not likely to do alone, hills...intervals....fartlek....speedwork!  Don't worry though, it's all planned around those who are booked.

Discover TRF is an introduction to TRF.  Our sessions cater for all abilities but with this session we will show you what we're all about. This session will last no more than 30 minutes. The session will include some introductions to our Run Leaders followed by a warm up. After the warm up there will be an activity of around 20 minutes, this will include some walking and some running. We then will make our way back to the meeting point for a cool down and stretch. We want to show you what's involved in a typical session, we will talk about the types of sessions we run so you feel at ease. You can attend these sessions more than once if you like or maybe if you're returning to exercise after a break, but the aim is to make you feel comfortable so you then can attend one of our main sessions in the future.

On a Saturday some of the squad like to do a parkrun so you can also join us there, then finish with a stretch and cuppa!

Occasionally, when people aren't off racing, we will do a Long Sunday Run.  Again, this will be shown on the bookable runs; there's even options with this for around 10k or 8mile+ runs.  We request that you've attended one of our other sessions before doing this so we know it's suitable for you.

On a monthly basis Nat hosts a Coaching session.  Slightly different to the usual session this is about technique and drills to improve our running.  It's likely you'll run less than normal, however the work put in will definitely benefit on future runs.  Nat also offers coaching support if you're training for a specific race, get in touch for more details. 


Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics

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