Our group runs

We've found 0 runs at location: Decathlon

All our runs start and finish outside All Saints Church, Drake Road, Chafford Hundred unless otherwise stated.

While we try to ensure there is a registered leader at all of our runs, it is not always possible.  On these occasions we ask that our runners organise themselves and welcome any new runners to the session.

We also encourage our runners to post on our Facebook page any ad hoc runs that they may do. Please visit our facebook page as there maybe other runs that you can join in with our runners.

Throughout the year we also organise specific training plans, such as Couch to 5k (for beginners), 5 to 10k, half marathon and marathon training plans. 

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics

Find out more