Our group runs

We've found 2 runs at location: Sutton Park

If you are new please book on for a taster session. It is useful to contact manager.women@westburyharriers.co.uk before you attend so we can find out about your running expereince, direct you to appropriate sessions and tell you about the club.

We offer group runs and interval sessions for all ages and abilities. We are a friendly and welcoming club. It is much more fun running with others and the variety of sessions will develop your running whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete. 

All sessions must be booked in advance. You can cancel your session if you find you can not attend and you will recieve a refund. 

Monday night clubs runs for seniors/masters (any age 18 years and over) take place from Coombe Dingle Sports Complex (Autumn/Winter) or our club house at Blaise Castle (Spring/Summer) for groups 1-6 with runs going at 6.30pm. Group 1 is our fastest group and group 6 is our beginner group. We have a well-being run at 7.15pm (which is is open to any ability but is more suited to groups 4-6),

Thursday night interval sessions take place at 7pm at Coombe Dingle Sports Complex. Intervals are short bursts of running with active recoveries in between. Don't be put off if you are new to running or never done interval sessions before. They are a great way to develop your running and improve your speed. The sessions are structured through the athletic seasons and offer a different options to cater for all abilities. The sessions consists of a warm up, technicial running drills, the interval session, warm down and stretches.

In addtion we offer a Wednesday lunchtime hill session for all groups (1-6). This session does a range of hill reps in the Sneyd Park area. The groups meets for coffee afterwards in the Downs Cafe at 1pm. Anyone welcome for coffee whether you have trained or not.

We are partnered with Yate AC and have a track session at Yate Outdoor Sports Complex on Tuesdays at 7pm for all abilities. 

We have informal social runs on some Wednesday evening , Saturday mornings and bank holidays. These get posted on our Facebook group. 

We are a membership based club. Please see the membership page. After three taster sessions to see what you think of us you will be asked to join the club. You book on for the taster sessions via RunTogether. 

Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics

Find out more