Why use a Running Coach?

I believe that every runner can benefit from spending time with a dedicated running coach. 

Many people wrongly believe that running comes naturally however realistically it is a skill that can be taught, learned and most importantly improved...

It doesn't matter if you are pulling your running shoes on for the first time or you're a seasoned runner with many years and hundreds of thousands of miles under your belt coaching can help you in many of the following ways:

  • Assist with goal setting, being realistic but challenging

  • Create training plans designed around your life

  • Teach good running technique improving speed and efficiency

  • Keep you accountable and motivated

  • Reduce the risk of injury with guided warm ups, cool downs and well planned training sessions

  • Advice on nutrition and race strategy

  • Assist with mental preparation and focus

  • Make running a habit and put the fun in to exercise

To find out more about how I can help contact me today.