Welcome to our running group

About our group

Hey there and welcome to JumpStart Run.

Come and join me for sociable, daytime, local run routes in the villages surrounding Ayton and Ayton itself. My aim is to encourage more people to start running, or get back into the habit. From absolute beginners, Couch to 5k, Park runners and more confident runners who like to race,  come along and enjoy what running has to offer: fresh air, increased cardio and respiratory fitness, improved muscle tone, improved balance and coordination, new friends, new experiences and new kit if you like to style it out. 

Run with me:

I started running at school, cross country mostly and enjoyed getting out there even though it was muddy and I didn’t win races, the running bug stuck. I started running fun runs with my Mum and kept running in my later teens and at university to clear my head and stay fit. I stopped for a while whilst I worked too many hours and just squeezed in an odd treadmill session when I had a chance. I jumpstarted my running with my Mum a few years later and worked back up to 5k. I jumpstarted my running journey again after my first child. Time to get back to fitness and some fresh air to clear the mind! 5k went up to 7, then 10. A push to do a local 10k really rekindled my desire to run and I’ve kept increasing my distance and pace ever since. I now happily run trail runs, 10ks,  halfs, hills, 20 milers and finally marathon distance. So setting up JumpStartRun seemed to be a good idea. Having got friends up and out running with me and racing in some cases, the time was ripe to broaden my horizons. England Athletics Leader in Running Fitness course was the obvious answer and here we are! Ready to JumpStart your running journey? Read on for more....

Easy as Run Two Three:

Come join relaxed sessions, midweek, incorporating warm up, runner specific exercises, fun practice exercises, running technique, breathing, stretching, sprinting practice, hills (sometimes) and run/race chit chat. Plus don't forget the seasonal challenges and socials. 

All abilities welcome, small groups of 6 maximum in 5 to 6 week blocks. Daytime and Term time only. I also offer 1:1 sessions too for those who want specific advice for a marathon , race  or fancy getting going on their own. I’m also a PT, Pilates & Ante & Post Natal instructor so I can assist you with your overall fitness. 

Check out the locations and route types on offer, we run in various locations in and around Ayton to keep it interesting.  Please do get in touch if you have questions.

Ready to JumpStart your run? Sign up online for your spot and I look forward to seeing you soon.  




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Our locations


Beanburn, Ayton

Castle, Ayton