Our group runs

We've found 2 runs at location: Buckshaw Parkway car park - park furthest away from ticket office

Welcome to Chorley Runners.


Chorley Runners regular run sessions.

We are currently offering sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Our Saturday morning sessions Will be starting again in January 2024

We also have monthly sessions on Saturdays including, a long trail 10 km +,   parkrun away trips to local parkruns and 10 km group runs.

Additional sessions are being added and updates will be posted here and in our Facebook groups.

Our current running sessions have been  posted online 

#MyRunMyPace #StaySafe #KeepRunning #NoOneLeftBehind

Full details are in our latest news item - please take the time to read it.

We have different running sessions for runners of all abilities. Full descriptions of the runs are under the Session Info tab and an overview of when the runs are held is below.

If you are a complete beginner,  we occasionally offer a Monday evening Beginner to Winner beginners running course, subject to demand.

You can run with any group, at any time, signing up for a session does not commit you to turn up but gives the run leaders an idea of how many people may turn up.  Different run leaders run different sessions. The run distances do vary so check the Facebook groups for the latest details. The upcoming run sessions are listed at the bottom of this page.

We welcome anyone onto our sessions, we always loop at regular intervals to ensure no one is ever left behind and to be as inclusive as possible. Some people continue running back to the rear marker, and some stop and chat - your choice. 


The group often arranges optional social evenings out, all are welcome to come along. 

Scroll down to get to the run session sign-up links.  Check the social media links for possible late changes to starting locations.

#BookCheckInRun #MyRunMyPace

Monday - Buckshaw Parkway

6:30 pm - regular 5km run with optional extra loops- everyone welcome

6:30 pm - regular 10 km paced run and monthly coaching drills 

6:30 pm - On the 2nd Monday of each month there will be a coaching session instead of the usual 10 km session which will involve specific sessions on Hill running, Intervals, Tempo sessions etc

9:30 am - all of the above sessions will be replaced by morning trail sessions on Bank Holiday Mondays.

Wednesday - Hallgate car park

9:30 am  - #RunAndTalk  running sessions -  restarting  15th March .

Wednesday - Cleveland Street car park

6:30 pm - 5 Km  & 7 km distance sessions

Thursday - Eaves Green Community centre/ Minstrel car park

6:30 pm - minimum 7 km -  A very sociable session for those looking to improve their distance running. These sessions will involve some trail runs during the lighter evenings from April to September.


9:00 am - Monthly Long run trail session - distance and location will vary, typically 10km+, occasionally up to 16km.  Usually, 1st Saturday of each month  Restarting in January 2024

9:00 am - parkrun away trip - Regular"away day" at a local parkrun, see the run below for the location each month. Some members attend local parkruns on most Saturdays. 

9:00 am - Monthly Group 10 km run with the occasional option to "add on" to get to half marathon distances. This is currently being arranged via social media as a friends run, rather than an organised session. 

​​​​​​Please note that the order of the Saturday sessions depends on the availability of our run leaders. Any changes will be listed in our Facebook groups and via the Runner app. 

Social Media

We have the following Facebook pages (each dedicated to different purposes):



Want to become a run leader?

Become a qualified run leader by taking the Leadership in Fitness and Running Course from England Athletics

Find out more